Sunday 28 June 2009

Oh it is hot...

... so very hot. Earlier today I sat outside with a cup of tea and a book and literally sweated the words from the pages as I tried to read it. I was tired, missing my girlfriend Ali, and her two boys, and trying to relax on the one day off that we get during the event.

I missed the breakfast that we have at the club too. Not because I wasn't there - what I mean is I missed it. Out in the sun though I didn't feel very hungry. I sat, Flacido Domingo, vaguely aware of the pressing need to get on with sorting out my photos from the last couple of days. The heat was beating the resolve out of me, melting my determination, rendering the fat of good intention into a liquid fail over which a heat haze of annoyance threatened to shiver and quiver, mocking my idleness. I moved inside, revelling in the relative cool of the large airy living room, booted up the laptop and started reveiwing the images.

I thought about the twelve tournaments that I have worked at. I have seen a lot of very good photography, and now and again some exceptionally beautiful images. You start to recognize the styles of individual photographers. You know with fair certainty which matches will produce a glut of backhand images, and those that will present you with gems, rare moments where position, light, timing, and a bit of luck all align to produce a near perfect photograph. So, despite having to look at a fair number of images in the course of a day, it is never a mundane task. Indeed, I am looking forward to seeing what comes in over the next few days. And there is keen anticipation of what I might be able to capture myself.

I got the photos done, and they will be posted in a few hours or so. After sleep. And breakfast.

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